
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Did that A-hole really just say that?

A few years ago, my wife and I responded to one of those timeshare ads.  We really had no intention of buying but wanted to see what they had to offer.  Plus they had a ton of freebies if you went.  Anyways, we go through the entire tour of the place and it was really a nice resort.  In all honesty, they don't really have to apply the high pressure sales tactics, the place can sell itself.  But went through the tour and had to listen to the girl showing us around say moronic things like, "Can you see yourself having a good time here?" What she really should have been saying is "Can you afford to have a good time here?"  After the tour was over, we headed into the sales area where about 300 more couples and families were all being hit with the same sales pitches.  I told them straight up, I already have vacation property that I don't use so why should I buy another one?  They couldn't grasp that concept so they brought over a "Closer".  I can't remember this asshole's name but he came over with a big car salesman grin and shook my hand like he was taught in conman school.  He asked me what I did for a living and when I told him I was in the Air Force, he said the following, "I used to play football in junior college, so I kinda know what it's like to be in the military."  99% sure I wasn't buying then or ever from this place.

This apparently
is kinda like this.

My good deeds for the day were car rides.  My youngest son wanted to go to church with his new girlfriend so I took them and picked them up.  My oldest son brainfarted and realized his time for starting work had already passed.  So I drove him as well and will be picking him up in a few minutes.

I have had a headache all weekend and a bad cough.  Going to sick call if this continues.

Started playing Lord of the Rings Online this weekend.  Not overly impressed, but it is free!

How much do I love boobies? Dis much!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well isn't this a black mark on mankind

Three very real headlines from the past month.

Mom Arrested After Cheering Teens' Brawl
Man Arrested After Bragging About 14-Year-Old Girlfriend on Facebook
Mom Arrested After Posting Pic of Baby With Bong
What the hell is wrong with some people.  Seriously!?  Can we lobby for jail sentences based not only on the severity of the crime but also on the stupidity of the culprit?

I have a friend who is a supporter of legalizing marijuana.  I know that I can never have a civil debate with him on the subject because like most people who support legalization, rather than listen to what I am saying, he is busy going through his mind what he is going to say next to counter the argument I have.  What I do is wait for him to post something and then point out the idiocy of it.  A few weeks ago he posted on FaceBook an article stating that if we legalized marijuana that would bring the Mexican narcotraffickers under control.  I mentioned the fact that Cocaine and Heroin and Meth and oh a bunch of other drugs would still be sold.  Oh and for those of you that think marijuana is victim-less, my 18 year old son went to court a few days ago to answer charges on criminal possession.  Now I know the argument is going to be that if marijuana was legal that he wouldn't be in court or in trouble so I will counter with this.  Yesterday he tore apart my ex-wife's house and had her hiding in her bedroom because he threatened to kill her for getting rid of his Call Of Duty game.  This was all after coming down from a high.  I may hate my ex-wife, but no one needs to hide in their room from fear of a pothead.  So for those of you that want to argue for legalized marijuana, go fuck yourself.

Good deeds done in my quest for 365 in a year.  I wrote a letter to a mentor of mine thanking them for helping to shape me into the type of Intelligence analyst I want to be.  Took my son car shopping, gave a fresh eggs to the neighbors, wrote an email to the corporate offices of a fast-food joint that provided me some of the best service I have had in years.  Helped raise money for our unit's holiday party. Scheduled three co-workers for some range time for weapons training.

About 3 miles down the road is a place that sells Palm trees.  About a year ago they were going out of business.  They are going out of business again this year but they now have a sign out in front of their place that says "Going Out of Business Thanks BP".  What the fuck does BP have to do with the Palm Tree business failing?  I think more likely they have learned from all the bullshit souvenir stands throughout the Gulf Coast that are always "Going out of Business".  Drive down to Destin one day and see how many of them have those signs in the window and also advertise prices up to 70% off.  Or go into the one that advertises everything being $5.99 and under and see how much is really under that price.  Wake up Better Business Bureau of Northwest Florida, these businesses are bullshitting the community and ass-raping tourists.  Not to mention I'm pretty sure all the Russian girls that work in the Destin shops are victims of Human Trafficking.

This is a great t-shirt!

Man I love boobies!

Comments, critiques, boobie submissions and marriage proposals can be sent to

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I warned them this would happen

Good deeds for the past few days. Let's see, I earned more rice for starving folks, I helped a subordinate put together a strong quarterly awards package, brought my oldest son home information on local colleges, and I drafted a resume' for a friend.

Head to NYC next month for Bloodletting Meet II and the NYC ComicCon.  Matt and I are putting together Swag Bags for the players that show up.  Can't wait to meet them and have a nice little vacation.

Michael Moore is a loser.

Stephen Colbert might be one of the greatest living human beings.

Lohan and Hilton are embarrassments to this country.  For all of my foreign fans that read this blog, please know that they are not representative of the U.S.

I still love boobies more than anything

Comments, hate mail, boobies and marriage proposals can be sent to

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Three people who suck

Well, I was without connection for the past week due to an unknown error with my laptop.  It is quite old and in need of repairs so I think I will work on that this week.  Ok on to the blog!

For those of you keeping track of my quest to do 365 good deeds in 365 days, here's what I accomplished since we last spoke.
Had dinner with my Uncle, visited my grandmother in her nursing home, called my other grandmother on the phone.  She had no idea who I was but the call seemed to make her happy. Emailed a random service member. Earned a shitload of rice for starving people over at Composed a random greeting card for my wife. Contacted the corporate headquarters of a fast food joint to inform them of an employee that provided us with superb service.  Reported a drunk driver to local authorities.

These were actual ads over at CNN/SI.  Nice to know that nearly everyone who watches football is a moron. But hey at least we are not Steelers fans.  Seriously? 88? Public Service announcement. Just in case I have an oxygen bandit or two that reads this.  Online IQ test are not valid. Do not waste your time or money on them.

Terrell Owen's IQ is 134

97% of NFL fans aren't as smart as T.O. How do you compare?

Avg Steelers Fan's IQ=88
What's Yours? Can you beat it? Take the 3-minute Quiz Now!

Recently the NY Mets visited Walter Reed to spend time with some wounded military members.  Well most of the Mets did.  Read this excerpt below to see the tale of three people who really suck.
Hence, the entire Mets roster made the trip -- David Wright and Jose Reyes, R.A. Dickey and Ike Davis, Angel Pagan and ... well, almost the entire roster. For reasons that range from insulting (Beltran said he had a meeting involving a high school he's building) to pathetic (Castillo said he gets squeamish) to pitiful(Perez said it's nobody's business), the three marquee Mets skipped out, infuriating teammates and calling into question their morality. " I have not spoken to anybody that didn't go, but I do have feelings about it," Dickey said afterward. "[Meeting the soldiers is] a big deal, and I take it very personally."

Even Osama bin Laden's friends think he's an asshole.

For those of you that read this just to see big boobies, this is for you!
This'll fuck up your golf game! 
 Comments and suggestions can be sent to 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Following in Anne Rice's footsteps

Most of you know by now that Author and future ex-Mrs Voit, Anne Rice announced recently her decision to leave Christianity.  As much as I adore her, I was worried that many would follow in her footsteps due to her celebrity rather than make their own decision based on what was inside them.  Too many times people follow blindly the advice of a celebrity without question and this is dangerous.  Many times I have shot back at certain celebs for voicing their opinion on issues of the day without really understanding the core of the topic.  One particular musician from my hometown spouts bullshit from time to time about the state of the world and then I laugh raucously as obsequious troll after troll lends their support to this celebs irresponsible rant.
The Anne Rice situation is different however, because as much as I hate to say it, my chosen religion needed a wake-up call and someone to lead those who are still spiritual into a new dawn where what is preached is actually practiced.  I have decided to follow her out of Christianity due to several recent incidents, the final one being the planned burn a Koran day planned by a church in Gainesville, Florida.  So, to cut this short, here I come Anne Rice, lead the way.

On to the proposed Koran burning.  As a member of our nation's military, I am disgusted that we are called upon to defend the rights of people who only want to spread hate.  I'm talking to you Terry Jones and Fred Phelps!  Terry Jones should be charged with murder if one American is killed because of his church's actions.  A church with the word Dove in it! Isn't the dove a sign of peace?  And Fred Phelps?  Well GOD HATES FRED PHELPS AND HIS OVERWEIGHT FAMILY.

Good Deed Quest
Ok I have several updates to my quest for 365 good deeds in 365 days.
I bonded with my youngest son
I surprised my daughter with a special treasure box.  She helped me paint it but did not know it was for her when we did it.
After posting what I was doing with a member of started a group over there.  I joined and am pleased to say that we are in the top 5 world wide for earning grains of rice for countries in need.
I spent time with my mother and Uncle and hopefully eased a little bit the loss of their sister.
I mentored a young SSgt on the future of her career in the Air Force.
I organized and executed a retirement BBQ for our outgoing Chief.
I helped my 16 year old get started on his own workout program.
I informed the parents of Peyton Gripp that through our Bloodletting game we had raised $65 for her treatment.
Today I surprised our commander with two gigantic tires for our Special Ops PT.
Read more about her and the fundraising we are doing at

Next week most of my good deeds will be in the form of and emailing fellow troops over seas.  I'll be TDY for the week so won't be able to get out and do as much as I usually do.

I'm on week three of a 100 pushup program.  At the end of six weeks I will be pumping out 100 straight pushups at a time.  I also started a 200 situps program, 200 squats, and 25 pullups.  The last one I fear will be the hardest to accomplish.  Start a simple work out program and email me the results.

My business partner, and someone I am proud to call a friend, Matt Reyes secured our plane tickets to NYC for the Bloodletting Meet/ComicCon! Woo hoo drunkfest 2010 here we come!

Because I loves me da boobies soooo much!

Funny t-shirt I like...

Comments, suggestions for good deeds, big boob submissions, and marriage proposals can be sent to

Go do a good deed tomorrow, then follow it up with two more the next day.