
Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank you Miami Heat

I wasn't a basketball fan before this week.  I suck at playing it and I rarely watch it.  That all changed with the arrival of the Miami Heat to Hurlburt Field this week.  The team was here to begin its training camp for the new season. Word has it that someone in the organization used to be stationed here and they talked to someone, who talked to another someone, who made this week happen.  The gym they are training at has been closed all week and the ESPN teams have been reporting from just outside the track.  I have been lucky to sit through a leadership seminar with Miami Heat President and Hall of Fame Coach Pat Riley.  I've seen pictures of LeBron James with his hand over his heart alongside saluting Airmen as retreat played and I've seen the smiles on the faces of people who have suffered two casualties in the past two weeks.  I am now a basketball fan and a lifetime Heat fan.

Lots of good deeds to report, hopefully I remember all of them. Wrote a letter to the Miami Heat thanking them for the morale boost. Volunteered to act as an escort for a promotion ceremony. Worked on my daughter's spelling and ABCs with her. Tried but failed to get a co-worker into the the Heat scrimmage tonight.  Offered up my chair to two women I saw without one.  Complimented a friend I hadn't spoken to in years.  Still on track for 365 in 365 but worried about what I will do in February when I deploy.

Been on a Journey kick lately since once again they have been denied nomination to the Rock and Roll HoF.  I don't care if you like their music or not, how do you ignore the best selling American rock band ever?  The statistics alone make them worthy.  The fact that just about everyone you know will sing Don't Stop Believin' if it comes on the radio. And three words, Steve Fucking Perry!  The people that nominate are the same assholes that selected Jethro Tull as top Heavy Metal act at the Grammy's about a ddozen years ago.  Morons!

Jersey Shore has exponentially added to the dumbing down of America. But damn I'd hit it!

Here's a feature I am adding to the blog, I am calling it What The Fuck?????

Ok for all you big boobie fans out there, let's make up for the entire week.

Comments, critiques, complaints, and marriage proposals can be sent to me at

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