I defended Paris Hilton when she went to jail a few years ago. My wife got on me for it but, but in reality she was treated unfairly. Normally I hate when Hollywood stars are given preferential treatment but in her case, she actually served a longer sentence than Joe Public would have. I also thought I sensed sincerity in her when she said she was turning her life around. Sadly, I was duped. Last night the hotel heiress was arrested after the car she was driving in was pulled over and the police found marijuana and a bag of cocaine that fell from her purse. Anyone that knows me, knows that I abhor drug use of any kind. It is one of the few things I have a hard time forgiving. My biological father was a drug addict and I've seen it ruin the lives of others close to me. Drugs suck and right now so does Miss Hilton. I'd still hit it though.
One of the greatest songs I have ever heard is "Your Ghost" by Kristen Hersh. Please take a few minutes to listen to it. Kristen is the stepsister of Belly front woman Tanya Donelly whom she formed the alternative band Throwing Muses with in the 80s.
Friday and Saturday were big days for me in my quest for 365 days of good deeds. On Friday I helped pledge over 1200 grains of rice through the World Food Programme. On Saturday I registered as an organ and tissue donor in the state of Florida.
This is awesome and is taking the place of my usual T-shirt post for today.
I received my first submission for Big Boobie Girl of the day/week today. I will feature her tomorrow. In the meantime...
Comments and suggests always welcome. And now submissions to join my boob collection being accepted.
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