I have been involved in voter registration for years. It's not that I really give a frog's fat ass who is running for office in any particular year, I just care very deeply for our democratic process. I also don't really care if people vote. I do care however if people register and here is why. Senator Umptysquat doesn't know the name of each individual person who votes for him. He does however, know how many registered voters there are in a particular area. So go register to vote and send a message to the politicians that you have the power to decide who is in office and who isn't. Project Vote
That brings me to my good deed for the day. I assisted someone in registering to vote today!
In addition to good deeds and boobies, I think i am going to start featuring people that inspire me and should inspire you as well. A good friend of mine, SMSgt Frank Daily is today's inspiration. I have known Frank for almost 4 years and have served with him at two military installations so far. Frank has been involved with Special Operations almost his entire career and I'm pretty sure that even when he retires, Frank will maintain a ready bag and full BAO kit just in case he is called upon to jump into some austere location. But that's not why Frank is today's inspiration. Frank has severe back pain yet he was able to speed walk 8 miles in about an hour this morning. What did you do this morning tubby?
I told a friend today that I had a picture of Jessica Alba playing with one of my balls. Here's the proof.
What has two thumbs and loves big boobies?
Nice blog! Now go and get your shinebox!